Our trading rooms offer the ability to get any host-posted Alerts on your mobile device, even if you’re not viewing the trading room itself. You can get more information about it by clicking on the options menu (3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner of an open trading room) and then on the Mobile App button.
IMPORTANT: It may be easier to set up the Alerter app after you have set up the regular room viewing app, which requires that you enter the room ID and your personal pin. The process to set up the trading room viewing app is covered in the following knowledge base article: https://kb.basecamptrading.com/knowledge-base/how-do-i-view-the-trading-room-on-a-mobile-device-tablet-or-phone/
You can see the option menu and the Mobile App Info button in the following image:
If you want alerts from all three rooms, but you’re not seeing all three rooms listed in the app, click on the app’s blue button labeled SYNCH ALL AVAILABLE ROOMS. This button is shown in the image, below. This will make alerts from each the room available. Check/uncheck the box for each listed room if you want the alerts from that room.
Here’s what will appear after pressing that sync button, with alerts enabled from all 3 trading rooms:
If you don’t yet have the app, you can find it at either of the following links:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bellesoft.ptrAlerter
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pro-trading-room-alerts/id1542468993