How do I install Base Camp Trading Indicators?.. The following web page provides videos that show how to download indicators from the Base Camp Trading website, and install...
How can I view a list of alerts in ThinkOrSwim.. How can we make it easier to see alerts – past and present – in ThinkOrSwim? If you’re a ThinkOrSwim...
How do I set and configure study alerts in thinkorswim?.. Many of the BCT studies provide alerts in thinkorswim. Most of those studies have a yes/no input that enables/disables alerts...
Can I add Microquant Base Camp studies to my thinkorswim mobile charts?.. Yes, you can. But only some of our indicators written for regular TOS will function in TOS Mobile, and there...
Customizing Columns in thinkorswim If you’re missing a column that you want in a layout in thinkorswim, you can usually find a small gear...