If you try to join the trading room and you get a blank web page with nothing within it instead of the room content, then try adding https://protradingroom.com to Chrome’s list of sites to allow. This is the source server of our trading rooms.
If you try this and you’re still unable to reach the live trading rooms, check if you’re using a web page blocker intended to prevent malicious web sites from harming your computer. We’ve learned that some tools, such as Bit Defender, can prevent you from visiting certain pages on the web unless you specifically allow them. If you’re using a tool like that, please find out how to permit protradingroom.com as an allowable site.
We’ve also found that some of our users’ VPN connections can create some issues, so if you can try to connect without the VPN and it works, then there may be something you can do to accommodate the connection with the VPN. Perhaps check with your VPN provider for more information on that.
Example of Modifying Chrome Settings to the ProTradingRoom.com Website
The method for doing this seems to change quite often within the many updates that Chrome does, so please google “allowing sites in chrome” for details on how to add a site to get the latest approach, but it should be something similar to what’s shown below.
In the image, you’ll see that this user has enabled Block third-party cookies, which is likely the reason that you’re seeing the blank screen when trying to enter the room. This is because the trading room software needs to set cookies. You can keep this block as enabled as long as you specifically allow protradingroom.com to set cookies. You do that by adding that web site name to the “Allow” list. This has been done below, by clicking on the Add button to the right of the Allow section, and entering protradingroom.com. Once that’s been done, you should be able to launch the trading room.